museumPASSmusées: Museum Access Pass in All Belgium

What is museumPASSmusées?

museumPASSmusées: Unlimited Museum Access Pass in Belgium

If you’re planning to visit several museums during your stay in Belgium, museumPASSmusées offers unlimited access to most popular museums across the country and you can save money instead of buying individual tickets.

  • Unlimited access to more than 250 museums in Belgium
  • Covers most popular museums in Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent and Leuven.
  • Valid for one year


Everyone€59 valid for 1 year

Museums you can use museumPASSmusées

The list below represents only a portion of the museums available. To see all museums, visit the museumPASSmusées official website.




Who should buy museumPASSmusées?

The pass is great for travelers who may answer yes to All the followings:

  1. Adults from 18 years old to 64 years old
  2. Visit multiple museums during their stay in Belgium
  3. Like to enjoy museums without worrying about purchasing tickets and wait in a long line each time
  4. Have plan to visit Belgium several times for one year

Let’s say, if you’re planning to visit more than four museums during your trip or within a year, museumPASSmusées may be worth it.

Who shouldn’t buy museumPASSmusées?

You don’t need museumPASSmusées if you are;

  • Plan to stay for a short time in Belgium
  • Plan to stay only one city in Belgium
  • Children (-18 years old), Student (-26 years old) and seniors (+65 years)

If you are younger than 18 years old, or a student with valid student ID, you can enter most museums in Belgium (and Europe) for free or discounted price. Likewise, If you are over 65 years old, you can enter most museums for discounted price.

How to buy

Buy museumPASSmusées online (only French and Dutch instruction available)

Other museum passes

If you plan to visit only one city in Belgium, we recommend you to buy discount passes that are issued by each city.

  • Brussels – Brussels Card: Unlock the vibrant capital of Belgium with the Brussels Card, an all-in-one pass providing access to over 40 museums, significant discounts on attractions, public transportation, and a variety of restaurants and shops, making your Brussels experience hassle-free and budget-friendly.
  • Bruges – Musea Brugge: Immerse yourself in Bruges’ enchanting history and art with the Musea Brugge pass, granting entry to more than 15 prestigious museums, including the Groeningenmuseum and the Belfry, allowing you to explore the city’s medieval charm at a reduced cost.
  • Antwerp – Antwerp City Pass: Discover Antwerp’s bustling cultural scene with the Antwerp City Pass, offering free entry to top attractions, exclusive discounts, and unlimited use of public transportation, making it the ideal companion for your exploration of this dynamic port city.
  • Ghent – CityCard Gent: Experience the medieval splendor of Ghent with the CityCard Gent, a comprehensive pass that includes free admission to museums and attractions, guided boat tours, and unlimited public transport, ensuring a convenient and cost-effective visit to this historic city.
  • Leuven – ILUVLeuven Ticket: Explore the vibrant university city of Leuven with the ILUVLeuven Ticket, providing access to must-see attractions such as M-Museum, the University Library, and St. Peter’s Church, along with various discounts, allowing you to delve into Leuven’s rich heritage and culture.