
Showcasing Six centuries of Belgian art featuring Flemish (North Belgium) paintings, including Jan van Eyck and Hans Memling

Six centuries of Belgian art in one place, featuring Flemish primitives like Jan van Eyck, Hans Memling, Gerard David, neoclassicism by Joseph Odevaere and Joseph Ducq, Flemish expressionism, and 20th-century modern art by René Magritte, Roger Raveel, and Raoul De Keyser.

Flemish primitives

At the Groeningemuseum, you’ll discover paintings by renowned artists like Jan van Eyck, Hans Memling, Hugo van der Goes, Gerard David, Hieronymus Bosch, and others from the Low Countries who often worked in Bruges in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Many of these paintings are considered landmarks in European art history.

A journey through six centuries

The museum also showcases works by Pieter Bruegel the Younger and Peter Lely, historical items, flower pieces, and monumental canvases by Jacob van Oost.

The collection of neoclassical paintings by Bruges artists from the late 18th and 19th centuries is truly impressive. Artists like Joseph-Benoît Suvée, Jean Bernard Duvivier, Joseph Ducq, Joseph Odevaere, and François Joseph Kinsoen trained in Bruges and gained international fame with their historical works and elegant portraits.

Art from the 19th and 20th centuries is represented by works from Edmond van Hove, Ferdinand Khnopff, Emile Claus, Flemish expressionists, Permeke, De Smet, Van de Woestyne, and Brusselmans. The Groeningemuseum houses almost all editions of Marcel Broodthaers’ prints, six works by Georges Van Tongerloo, paintings by Paul Delvaux and René Magritte, and post-war art by Raoul De Keyser and Roger Raveel.

Temporary exhibitions

The Groeningemuseum is a dynamic institution with changing presentations, focus exhibitions, and research projects, resulting in exhibitions with international appeal.

Getting There

The museum is about a 20-minute walk from the train station. Walk north towards the city center, passing through ‘t Zand Square and Steenstraat, which leads you to the Market Square (Markt). From there, continue north towards Dijver, and you’ll find the museum at Dijver 12.


Dijver 12, 8000 Brugge, Belgium

Hours and Fees


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday:
9:30 – 17:00




Your admission is free if you have museumPASSmusées, Musea Brugge.

Standard rate : € 15
Seniors (65 and older) :€ 15
Youth 18-25 years :€ 13
Youth 13-17 years :€ 7
Children (13 and under) :Free
Musea Brugge Card holders :Free
Museumpassmusées holders :Free
