How to buy train tickets between Paris and Antwerp, Belgium

How to buy train tickets between Belgium and Paris

Paris to Antwerp : 2 hours by train

Because Belgium is a small country, many visitors combine their travel itineraries with Paris, the Netherlands, or Germany.

Paris in France and Antwerp in Belgium are most popular combinations, as the two cities are close together and easy to travel between. Also, you can enjoy two different cultures, history, and languages (more different than Paris-Brussels).

Antwerp has a rich history and architecture.

The journey between Paris and Antwerp can be made by express train “THALYS”. The earlier you buy this ticket, the more chances you save (the same as flight tickets). So we strongly recommend booking online before your trip.

What is THALYS train?

How to buy train tickets between Belgium and Paris

Thalys is a high-speed train that connects PARIS NORD (North) and BRUXELLES MIDI (South) stations. It takes 2 hours, and runs every 30 minutes from early morning to midnight.

All seats in Thalys are reserved, and prices vary according to seat classes and options. We recommend booking as early as possible before your trip. Reservations can be made as early as 90 days prior to the travel date.

While there are discounts of up to 75% for early reservations, fares become more expensive when less than two weeks are left before the travel date.

Book your ticket

How to book your ticket in advance

You can book Thalys tickets through Omio website, which sells transportation tickets for all of Europe.

Buying tickets is very easy. First, go to Omio website and enter your destination, number of people and travel dates. You can change language and currency settings at the right top of the screen.

How to buy a train ticket paris antwerp

If empty, input the following station names.

FranceParis Gare du Nord, France
BelgiumAntwerpen Centraal, Belgium

Clicking on the “Search” button will show you the available seats and the information of Thalys available for that time slot.

Beware that some Thalys trains has a longer ride time (2 hour 47 minutes) because they stop additional stations.

How to buy a train ticket paris antwerp

Select the one you would like to take, first “Outbound train” then “Return train”. When you select trains, the total train fair will appear.

How to buy a train ticket paris antwerp

Next, enter your seat class (second , first or premium class) and window or aisle preference.

Thalys Seat Options
How to buy train tickets between Belgium and Paris

First and Premium class offer you a better seat, quiet (business like) environment and serve you a meal.

Next, enter the information of the person who will be boarding the train.

How to buy train tickets between Belgium and Paris

Enter the same name as your passport, as they may check your ticket along with your passport on the day of the ride. My Thalys World Number is a membership number for people who use Thalys frequently, most people will leave it blank.

Next, enter your payment information and proceed to payment. Credit cards, Paypal, and Google Pay are accepted.

How to buy train tickets between Belgium and Paris

Once your purchase is complete, Omio will send you a mobile ticket or reservation confirmation number by e-mail.

Book your ticket

After you bought a ticket

Your ticket is mobile e-ticket, you don’t need to do anything! Just go to the platform of the Thalys trains. There is no security check.

How to buy train tickets between Belgium and Paris

In case you receive a reservation confirmation number and need to print a paper ticket, you can do so at an automatic ticket machine located at Paris Nord Station or Antwerp Centraal Station.

Book your ticket